Interview: Tony Wash & Ben Lewandowski | The Rake | Skeletons In the Closest On this episode, Paul and Tessa chat with Tony Wash (Director, Writer, Producer) and Ben Lewandowski (Director, Editor) about The Rake (2018) and finishes with there Skeletons In the Closest (2018). Get ready to learn a lot, between what would have been The Rake to what we actually got. Ben explaining how he... Continue Reading →

Skeletons in The Closet (2018) Horror Movie Review: 80s horror with humor & terrifying visuals!

Released on September 7th 2018, Skeletons in the Closet is a 80 minutes long indie horror movie in which we see humorous interactions between a young girl and her babysitter, who are watching the titular TV show, featuring a Widow and her dead husband who watch short horror movies. This review explores the movie and analyses... Continue Reading →

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